On January 18, 2024, we will reach the third anniversary of our church fire and soon we will rejoice in the reopening of our beautiful St. Patrick Church. Fr. Mike has done a remarkable job leading us through this challenging time in our church history.
My father once told me that in challenging times, sometimes the worst in people can be revealed, but, more often it will bring out the absolute best in people. The latter is true of the people of our parish. We, the people of St. Patrick, never for an instance lost our passion, perseverance or hope in our future. The Lord has truly walked with us every step of the way. As I continue to serve you as your Director of Stewardship, I would like to thank everyone in our parish who give their time, talent, and treasure with joyful hearts.
“I know the plans I have for you …plans for goodness, plans for peace and life. From age to age, parent to child, I give you a future, I give you a future full of hope.”
(Text: Jeremiah 29: 11-15; Vince Ambrosetti)
Love and thanks,
Deacon John