Electronic Giving

Automatic Payment Program (Available NOW!)

Dear Parishioners

We wish to thank you for your commitment to St. Patrick parish by using our Automatic Payment Program.  Parish Giving is a secure website that processes our electronic giving.  Parish Giving is a leading provider of secure, user-friendly online giving systems specializing in religious and charitable organizations.

Once you create an account, you will now be able to contribute to the Sunday Collections and all other collections and events using your debit card, credit card or EFT bank draft.  Most importantly, you maintain full control over your account so that you can change your offering date or amount as needed, set up automatic contributions, contribute to Christmas and other special collections, change the method and/or timing of the funds transfer and generate a giving report at year end.

Your continued support and cooperation are very much appreciated. You bless us with your generosity and you honor our Lord with your stewardship to His church.


St. Patrick Parish