Over the past several years we had so many of our parishioners write about what “stewardship” means to them and their families. We have heard from the teenagers in our parish as well as several people who have been parishioners for seventy plus years. Their reflection on stewardship was heartfelt and had a profound effect on so many people’s lives.
I would like to invite anyone who feels the call to share what “stewardship” means to them to feel free to do so by writing a 100-150 word reflection. You can talk to me after Mass or leave a message at the church office (330)534-1928 and I will return your call.
Our parish still has many challenges to face in the future and at the forefront of the rebuilding of our church. I believe that we are #StPatrickStrong and will continue to support our parish by continuing to give Jesus and Mother Church our time, talent and treasure with a joyful heart.
God bless,
Deacon John