There are many saints that would make excellent role models and patron saints for someone trying to live the stewardship way of life. There are also many great people who exhibited a stewardship way of life that have not been formally recognized by the Church as “saints.”
In addition to those who have gone before us, there are those in our midst that exemplify a stewardship way of life. Of course, Pope Francis is an easy example to choose, but I am referring to families in our parish. In my journey of faith, which led me to the diaconate, Ed Sowers was a person that I admired. He was a man of tremendous faith and courage. My encounter with Ed changed the trajectory of my life.
If we look with eyes of faith, we can see people who live their lives as true disciples, giving of themselves no matter the cost. They see themselves as simply being entrusted with gifts that truly belong to God and they live their lives in a spirit of servitude.
So, who is your stewardship patron saint? Is there someone deceased or alive that you can model your stewardship spirituality around?
I encourage you to take the time to study about the Church and about the lives of the saints. Also, take the time to reflect on the lives of those around you. Maybe you can choose a saint and a living role model. Then you will have someone to pray to for intercession and someone to accompany you on your faith journey. Remember, we were not created to be alone, but to be in communion with each other. The journey is always easier with someone to help lead the way.
God bless, Deacon John Bartos