Who Am I?

 Who am I? I am a child of God created in the image of God. God did not create out of nothing but created out of love. This self-gift of love is everywhere around us! In creation; in people; in prayer; in worship; in all of life we celebrate God’s gift of love and we in turn become a self-gift of his love to others. We take on the challenge of becoming like Christ. This Trinitarian spirituality of Father, Son & Holy Spirit  entails on-going discipline of cultivating, nurturing, and sustaining a grateful heart.

One way we cultivate and nurture this spirituality is through catechesis. In catechesis we allow ideas to live within our minds and our notions of God continue to grow and develop. Another way we mature in spiritual growth is by service- living the life of the Gospel – ready to give of ourselves to help others in need, especially the last, the littlest, and the least. We continue to develop this attitude of gratitude as we say “Thank you” through the Eucharistic celebration. As the bread and wine are transformed, we too, are transformed and led by the fire of his love – the Holy Spirit who animates our faith.

Our God is a mystery, and we will struggle with this mystery for our entire life. But our faith tells us that God has a plan for the household of this world – a plan that will lead us to the foot of his throne in heaven as his humble servant, in communion with the saints, forever and ever. Amen.

Deacon John