“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” ~1 Peter 4:10
I try to better myself everyday by serving others to the best of my ability. For every person I listen to; for every meal I buy for my friends; for my family and for strangers; for every time I volunteer at the festival, fish fries, or rib dinners; this brings me so much joy and helps me to be a good steward to others.
God gives everyone some unique ability. Some are smart. Some are funny. Some are good listeners. Some are strong, etc. Whatever gift he gave you should be used for the benefit of others. We can help people when they have no one else. We can listen to others when they feel unheard. We can comfort others when they feel unwanted. When Jesus carried the cross up the hill to be crucified, he was not thinking of himself or how he could get out of this situation. He did it for us…to be a steward to us. Whenever you see the opportunity to be a steward to others, take that opportunity and run with it. There is no better feeling than helping others.
Thank you,
Rocco Bornes