What happens in the home – both positive or negative – provides lessons for life.

Last Sunday (April 28, 2024), concluded our Parish School of Religion classes for 2023-2024. On behalf of Fr. Mike, all our Deacons, and our Parish family I wish to thank our PSR staff; our catechists and aides, our office helpers, and our safety patrol team, and our Sunday Coffee Café team for their dedication and commitment to the ministry of catechesis. We are all so thankful for the work that you do for the children, their parents, and our church. We are so thankful that you have been great stewards of all the gifts God has blessed us with, especially the gifts of faith, hope, and love.

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.”  We are also most thankful to the parents and grandparents who share their children with all of us as we work together to promote faith growth at home and promote participation in Church life. The home life which we call the “domestic church” is the first place in which a child learns to live his or her faith as well as understand it. What happens in the home – both positive or negative – provides lessons for life.

As we look ahead for 2024-2025 we will be needing another catechist for Grade 8. If you would like more information about serving at our Parish School of Religion, please feel free to contact me.

In Gratitude and Love,
Karen Bartos, Principal and CRE