What Awakened Your Faith?

It is so inspiring to me to see so many of our parishioners attending Mass once again. The pews continue to become fuller with each passing week. It is also wonderful to see our young children processing to the Church Hall as they participate in Children’s Liturgy of the Word. The Parish School of Religion is also doing an excellent job in their ministry. The in-person and on-line classes are going very well. The staff of our Parish School of Religion is a true blessing to the children and our parish. In the midst of uncertainty, we continue to be inspired and find a solid footing as we walk in the footsteps of Christ.

We can learn so much from our young people of our parish. At our last Celebrate meeting, the question was raised to the senior high school participants, “What awakened your faith?” The answer was unanimous. It was not a “what” but a “who” that awakened their faith. Their responses included a friend, family member, or an adult Celebrate leader. The very important lesson that we learned is that God has given us the ability to awaken someone else’s faith. May we continue to invite people to church or back to church as we continue to make disciples of all men and women.

God bless,
Deacon John