The commitment to stewardship is not expressed in a single act or gift, or even in a number of actions or gifts over time, but an entire way of life. Stewardship means committing our entire selves to the Lord. Being a good steward means removing all obstacles that prohibit us from loving God with all our heart and, in doing so, making ourselves vulnerable before the God who created us. It means emptying ourselves so that God can fill us. It means exposing the weakest part of who we are so that God can make us strong. It means becoming blind to the ways of the world so that Christ can lead us.
Authentic stewardship is an extension of the Church’s Eucharistic life and mission. We are merely stewards of His gifts. Be good stewards of your precious gift of time to be involved in the life of the parish. Be good stewards of your talents using them to strengthen the life of your parish. Be good stewards of your treasure financially supporting your parish not out of obligation but out of gratitude to God. It is in giving ourselves away in love that we find ourselves in God.
God bless, Deacon John