“We are St. Patrick strong”

Last Sunday Fr. Balash presented our financial report, the festival report, as well as, our final financial responsibility for our church reconstruction. We have been so blessed with the positive news we heard. Our beloved St. Patrick Parish is vibrant and on the path to a positive future. Our parish has been blessed with so many good people who have embraced the spirituality of stewardship and our Lord Jesus Christ has blessed us abundantly.

We still have many challenges along the way. The Knights of Columbus building needs to be demolished. Our school is aging and investing in major repairs is approaching the point of not justifying itself. We still have the responsibility to maintain four city blocks of property and its buildings, etc. The past often determines the results of the future. “We are St. Patrick strong” and that is the tradition that will lead us into the future.

I would like to thank all our parishioners that give of their time, talent, and treasure with joyful hearts. I look forward to serving you as we work together to build the Kingdom of God.

Deacon John