I hope you are enjoying your summer and looking forward to our 63rd annual parish festival (August 5 – 8). Before we know it, the tents will begin to go up and the parking lots will be transformed into the festival grounds. With God’s help we are hopeful that this year’s festival will be a great success. We are so blessed to have a parish with so many people willing to offer their time, talent and treasure with a joyful heart every year. It literally takes an army of volunteers to run a festival from start to finish. If you have already signed up to volunteer at this year’s festival, thank you very much. Or, if you are interested in volunteering at this year’s festival, please contact the church office or email Jill Mogg, the volunteer coordinator, at jillmogg@gmail.com. “All are welcome to help.”
In today’s world it is easy to forget that we are not only members of a national family, but also members of a faith family. Sometimes the greatest witness for Jesus Christ is a warm smile and the hand of sincere friendship. I hope you, as members of our parish family, will extend an invitation and a warm welcome to all neighbors and family members who might join us at this year’s festival.
In the words of the song, We are Many Parts, by Marty Haugen, the spirituality of stewardship is summed up in a beautiful way…
“We are many parts, we are all one body
and the gifts we have, we are given to share.
May the spirit of love make us one indeed.”
God bless, Deacon John