—Fr. Tim O’Neill
Last Sunday for the entire day we shared memories of Fr. Tim. We shared stories about his love for people, his generosity, and his special swag he had about him. When Fr. Tim entered the room, it was like a movie star walked through the door.
I would like to share a story of stewardship concerning unselfish giving that I witnessed one day that involves Fr. Tim. One morning at the church office Fr. Tim came down the steps from his room sporting a beautiful Master’s Golf Tournament sweater. It was brand new with the tag still attached. He was so proud of that beautiful sweater. He modeled it for everyone who entered the church office for most of the day.
The doorbell rang about 2:30 PM that afternoon. It appeared to be a homeless man that entered through the door. It was a very cold day, and this man began having a conversation with Fr. Tim. He told Fr. Tim that he was very cold and in need of a coat. Without any thought or hesitation, Fr. Tim took off his beautiful Master’s Golf Tournament sweater and gave it to the homeless man. He told him to put it on and then Fr. Tim even complimented this man on how good he looked in the sweater.
Fr. Tim taught us many lessons over the twenty-five years he was our pastor. The story of the Master’s Golf Tournament sweater with Fr. Tim, taught me that the true essence of stewardship is found in unselfish giving. Thank you, Fr. Tim for the lessons and memories you left with us.
Deacon John