
Dear Friends,

During these past weeks, we have experienced many anxious moments. How we want answers!  When is this pandemic going to stop or, at least, slow down?  When will our economy become strong again and what about school?   I just can’t keep teaching my own kids again?  The phrase, “only God knows” has become an appropriate thought for our times.

As I reread one of my favorite paperbacks, Mister God, This Is Anna, by Fynn, these words struck me.  “…the price of not being frightened is trust. And what a word that is!…It is simply the ability to move out of the “I‘m the center of all things” and to let something or someone take over.“   ( p. 49)    Anna, a homeless 5 year old orphan, let that someone—God—take over her life.

With Anna’s simple directive to move out of the center of all we think, say and do, she challenges us to let God take over our lives. Let God direct us in our efforts as a parish to share our Talent, Treasure, and Time with those in need.

Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on us.


Sister Bernadine