We sometimes think that the spirituality of stewardship is something that is reserved for adults, when we are called to give our time, talent, and treasure to God after graduation or when we are twenty-one years old. In reality, the calling starts for some of us at a very young age. In the final few weeks of PSR classes, students were asked to consider becoming altar servers. The response was amazing. Almost a dozen children answered the call to serve at the altar. Their ages range from 2nd grade to 8th grade. It was very inspirational to witness their joy and excitement at their training class. Last week two of our new altar servers served at their first Mass. They did a great job and the congregation could not stop smiling throughout the entire Mass. We will see many new servers as the weeks go on. Please take time to affirm these young stewards with kind words of encouragement.
I believe that the young children of our parish are a very special gift that God has given to us. They serve as a great example of unconditional love and generosity that we should emulate and hold dear to our hearts.
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” ~Matthew 19:14
Deacon John