Through my twenty years of ministry here at St. Pat’s, I have met many inspirational and dedicated stewards of their time, talent and treasure. They share their connection to God through the prayers they teach their students. They share their faith through their own experiences of how Christ has touched their lives. They help their students to listen and hear God’s voice speak through the word of Scripture. They help to develop a sense of knowledge of our beliefs and traditions through our Catholic doctrine. They help others experience God’s grace through participating in the sacraments. They help their students to see God’s blessings in their daily lives. This is the ministry of catechesis. The word catechesis comes from a Greek word meaning oral instruction. Teachers who share in this ministry are called catechists. Catechists are “called to continue the missionary work of the Church by bringing the joy of Christ to people who hunger for meaning in their lives, who desire forgiveness and healing, and yearn to know the truth about God and themselves.” (John Paul II, Ad gentes, 17).
I am sure I speak for all our catechists, “There is no greater joy than this!” Becoming a catechist is a great way not only to pass on the faith to others, but to learn and grow in our own knowledge and understanding of our beautiful Catholic faith. Since we will be doing more online presentations and socially distancing classrooms, we are in need of people with media skills and more catechists this year to serve in our Parish School of Religion in grade 8, grade 5 and high school. Our Parish School of Religion has classes on Sundays, 9:30-10:45 AM. If you feel God inviting you to serve in this ministry, please contact me at the Parish House.
There is no greater time than NOW to help our young people seek spiritual direction in today’s world.
Karen Bartos, Coordinator of Religious Education