The Holy Spirit works through each of us as we share our gifts with one another.

          St. Patrick Parish has served the people of God for 150 years. It is truly a gift given to us by God and those who have gone before us. In his inaugural address, President John Kennedy proclaimed, “the torch has been passed to the new generation.”,  so has our parish and our Catholic faith. Now is the time for a new generation to receive what has been entrusted to it and become stewards for the next generation.

St. Patrick Parish family needs you and all of our members! We need your active participation at Mass. We need this witness of your love and devotion to Jesus Christ. Our world needs the witness of a loving and devout community praying together on the Lord’s Day. If something has kept us apart, let the things of the past be healed by the grace of God. If you know of others who do not attend Mass, invite them or offer them a ride. Take time to visit a shut-in or offer a prayer for someone in need.

As St. Paul tells us, each individual has a gift given to them for the good of the community and this is the basis of the spirituality of stewardship. The Holy Spirit works through each of us as we share our gifts with one another. If you have been called to serve our parish in any ministry or organization, please do!


God bless our parish,
Deacon John