The Divine Coach

The school buses are back bringing our children to school and soon the leaves will display their beautiful fall colors. Soon our Parish School of Religion will start a new year. Our teachers are excited about meeting their students and to teach them about their Catholic faith. We are so blessed to have a dedicated staff who truly love their students. The coffee shop will be open every Sunday during the school year. All members of the parish are welcome to stop by and enjoy some great conversation and some delicious donuts.

My favorite Mass to diaconate is the 11 AM Mass during the PSR school year. I enjoy greeting the families that come together and attend Mass as school is dismissed. It is beautiful to see them walk through the doors of the church. It is so important that our children attend Mass. I’m sure that God smiles upon the parents and grandparents that make the effort to bring their children to Mass to “keep holy the Lord’s Day.” The world offers so many distractions like Sunday morning sports, practices, tournament games and a variety of other activities that in some way, draws families away from attending Mass.

I have come to realize that many things come and go in life. We live in a revolving door of change, but one thing that will be constant is God’s love for our children. He is their ultimate coach and their “Divine Coach” that will lead our children to a life of joy and fulfillment. I hope to see you at Mass and may God bless us with a great year.

Deacon John