In less than a month our church parking lot will be transformed into our festival grounds and the festivities will begin. The holy rollers prepared 4,600 meatballs in less than one hour and the cabbage has arrived and will soon be prepared to make our delicious stuffed cabbage. Sr. Bernadine once again has taken on the assignment of praying for clear weather. Karen, our volunteer coordinator, has reported that she has received numerous phone calls from parishioners who want to help at the festival this year. Please remember that “all are welcome” to help. No experience is required! Set up for the festival will be Saturday, July 30 at 8:00 AM. We will need a lot help that day so please plan to come and help us!
The 2021 festival was a remarkable success, and we pray that this year’s festival will be the same. The success of last year’s festival was quantified by our financial report, but I believe the remarkable success could not be measured on a financial statement. We, the people of St. Patrick Church, are many parts, but all are one body. Even in the most difficult of times we overcame all the obstacles and worked together as one. We shared our time, talent, and treasure with love for one another and with joyful hearts. In a time where many churches struggle to find people to help at various events, that is not the case at our parish. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you” for all that you do serving Jesus Christ and his people.
Love, Deacon John