Last Sunday at our Parish School of Religion, Rodney Wells facilitated a class that our eighth-grade students, parents, and sponsors attended. The topic of the session was “Prayer in our Lives.” He did an excellent job in relating to our eighth-grade students the importance and power of prayer in our journey through life. Rodney is a former PSR student and has held his Catholic faith close to his heart into his adulthood. Rodney is a Mahoning County Sheriff and will soon enter in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
We are very blessed to have so many young adults in our parish who embrace their Catholic faith. The young adults have also become excellent stewards and give their time, talent, and treasure in the service of Jesus Christ and Mother Church.
I encourage everyone to take notice of the great blessing these young men and women are to our parish family. When I diaconate at Mass, I look out into the congregation and see many young people and young families and think, “Thank you God for giving our parish a future full of hope.” Keep up the good work!
Deacon John