Our family moved to Hubbard in June 2020 in the early months of the pandemic. We made the decision to join St. Patrick’s after immediately being welcomed with smiles and kind words by parishioners at mass and at the drive-through fish fry. Any time we participated in an event held by St. Patrick’s we met more and more people that were devout in their faith and desired to share their talents with others.
After welcoming my family, the community welcomed me on my conversion to our faith. And during the Easter Vigil of 2021, I became a Catholic and felt an even stronger connection to the Church and this community.
This Church has many wonderful programs that make being a member meaningful. Our children attend PSR, participate in the Shine ministry, attend preschool, and go to craft club. And those are only some of the wonderful ministries to which parishioners offer their time and talents. Every act of kindness makes the Church stronger.
To do our part, as we follow the lead of all of you, we are taking a small step of restarting the coffee and donuts meeting every Sunday between the 8:30 and 11:00 o’clock masses. So stop by the parish school building, go upstairs, and grab some coffee and a donut or two.
God bless,
Onest Family