So many times, when we hear about stewardship, it is related to the giving of our time, talent, and treasure. I have had the time over the last several months to reflect upon many experiences in my life and I have come to realize how powerful is the stewardship of our “love”. How important it is as the mystical Body of Christ that we give our love away freely with no strings attached.
I have personally witnessed that love is shared so beautifully amongst us. I have seen this love in every aspect of our parish life. We are a parish of “lovers!” Karen and I have experienced your love, and we are so grateful. The greatest commandment is enveloped in love… the love of God and the love of our neighbor. If we just simply love, although the road ahead may sometimes be difficult, still we have the radiant light of Jesus Christ guiding us to the end of our journey.
Love bears all things (regardless of what comes); believes all things (looking for the best in each other); hopes all things (remaining steadfast in difficult times); endures all things (without weakening).
God bless you,
Deacon John & Karen