Our Love For Jesus Christ and For One Another

In just a week we will begin our 61st annual parish festival. It is always inspiring to me to witness all the good people of our parish working together. I believe we have an absolutely, remarkable festival. The food is homemade and delicious. The entertainment this year will feature The Fabulous Flashbacks on Saturday night and there will be rides and games for all the kids. This year we will be raffling a beautiful Chevy 4 x 4 truck. There will only be 2,000 tickets sold. The chance to win is excellent.

Our parish festival hosts thousands of people in our community and surrounding communities. Each year the festival is so much more than food, entertainment and rides. The festival affords the opportunity for us to meet the people on a one-to-one basis and to share the love we have for Jesus Christ with them. In our words and our actions, we become the visible sign of Christ’s love to people we meet.

We are a vibrant parish on the move. What is the driving force in this positive movement? It is our love for Jesus Christ and our love for one another. May all our work that we do at this year’s festival become a living sign of Christ’s love.
God bless,
Deacon John