“Lord, it is good to be here.”

On the Sunday evening after the festival, I could not stop thinking about Fr. Mike’s homily on that weekend and the words of St. Peter in Matthew 17:4, “Lord, it is good to be here.” These words of Peter reverberated in my mind because they truly echo my feelings about our wonderful St. Patrick Parish.

I have replayed our parish festival over and over in my thoughts and remember the little moments that I will never forget…the hugs, the laughter, and the commitment to hard work that  so many people of our parish make before, during, and after the festival in so many ways.

Every Sunday we experience Jesus in Word and Sacrament, and we are transformed into the Mystical Body of Christ. We do have something wonderful and beautiful that can only be found in the love we share with one another and our love for Jesus Christ.

“Lord, it is good to be here!”

Deacon John