–Editor’s note. Several parishioners have generously responded to Deacon John’s request to give testimonials about living a life of stewardship.
Hello, we are Paul and Darlene Ambrosia. We would like to tell you what living a life of stewardship at St. Patrick Parish has meant to us. We are both only children. We were married at age 50, never married before, and do not have any children. Our family is St. Patrick Church. We give of our time and talent in many ways. We are involved in many ministries and help where we are needed. It is our home and we do what we can to take care of it and our church family. We also give of our treasure, we pay God first. God has blessed us with time, talent and treasure and we lovingly give it back any way we can. Paul has been on a journey with liver cancer since March 2013 and because God is with us and with all the support, love, and prayers of our St. Pat’s family we are able to go through it with a feeling of and knowing it will be okay. So to us stewardship is a 2-way street. We give of our time, talent and treasure, but we get back so much more than we could ever give. Our marriage and our faith get stronger every day. LET GO AND LET GOD. Thank you God Our Loving Father and our St. Patrick Family. We love you. God bless all of you.