As I began to write this week’s stewardship letter, I could not help but reflect on the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic and how the churches were ordered to suspend weekly services. Fr. Mike and his staff responded quickly to this crisis not allowing his flock to be separated from the Sacred Liturgy. He offered daily Mass on behalf of the people of our parish, along with novenas and devotions to the Blessed Mother. The live stream Masses for holy week were seen by people across the world.
I am very blessed to have been a part of this challenging journey. I recall Mass on Easter Sunday and looking into the various cameras staged in front of the ambo, as I experienced a sense of both joy and great sadness. I felt the joy of how we came together to bring the Easter liturgy to the homes of so many people and the sadness of an empty church.
Through the grace of God, our church is reopened and week after week our Mass attendance is continuing to grow, and I thank God for that. Under Fr. Mike’s guidance we have facilitated a very safe environment for all our parishioners who attend weekly Mass.
The 150 year history of our parish reveals our faith, courage, and resilience. The people of our parish faced many challenges, wars, plagues, and financial hardships over the years, but still, the people of St. Patrick Church continue to lift high the cross in 2020. I will continue to pray that in each passing week that our church continues to fill its pews with more and more of its wonderful and faithful parishioners.
God bless,
Deacon John