Christian parenthood is a beautiful example of stewardship. God gives the gift of children according to His plan, and for His reason and purpose. Parents, you will never be fully aware of that purpose. But trust and pray that the Lord will bring to fulfillment the good work He and you have begun and place the raising of your children in the faith as your main priority along with strengthening your commitment to each other as a couple. Persevere in prayer. Practice charity. Don’t just strive to do the minimal in faith but strive to give your all to God.
The Eucharist is the greatest gift, more precious than silver or gold. So, take your children to Mass so you all may be nourished by the One who has given us everything. We pray for our parents as they lead their children to Jesus Christ. Our Parish School of Religion staff is blessed to walk by your side with you in this beautiful mission. Jesus said, “Let the children come to Me.”
Deacon John