Last Sunday St. Pat’s hosted the first session of our Jesus and the Eucharist study, and it was amazing. I have to admit that sometimes I can be a doubting Thomas. I prayed all week that we would get at least 4-5 people to attend the first study. Early Sunday morning Karen and I opened the school to prepare for the PSR students that would soon be arriving. I walked past room 208 and looked at the room filled with tables, chairs, and folders prepared in front of every chair. Once again, I prayed, “Dear Lord, I hope we will fill at least a few tables.”
Time passed quickly and 8:30 Mass was over. Then the good people of our parish came one by one to room 208 of the school. Every seat in the room was filled. About forty people attended. I was amazed and humbled by the beautiful and holy hour we spent together. It truly was a gift from God.
I would like to invite all of you to take time to attend these studies. I promise you will not be disappointed. May we all be one in the Lord.
God bless you,
Deacon John