My name is Thomas Pesa, and I’m in 8th grade at St. Rose Catholic School. I currently serve in two ministries, Teen and Altar Servers. I greatly enjoy both. Altar Serving helps me become closer to God. During the Mass, it feels good when I help father and the rest of the parish. I feel called to help my parish in any way that I can. In Teen Ministry, we have service projects such as Thanksgiving Dinner and food pantry to name a few. I enjoy doing a lot for my church because it helps not only St. Pats, but the rest of the community. I will make my Confirmation next month. When that happens, I can help the Church even more, and I can hardly wait for that. I enjoy when I help St. Patrick’s because I know that everyone will appreciate it. When someone cannot serve, I like to step in because that is God’s calling to me. In Teen Ministry, we talk about all the ways that we can help the community. For example, we recently had a drive for bath and body goods such as soap and shampoo. When all the donations were sent, it felt good to know that we helped our community. I know that there are always things to help with, and that is why I love contributing to my community in any way I can.