I know that God never leaves my side in every step I take.

Hello, my name is  Marlee Granger. I am 22 years old and currently a student at Youngstown State University. I will be graduating this fall with a degree in Primary Education and Intervention Specialist. I find such joy in being able to plant the seed in young minds and to watch them grow is such a rewarding experience. I know that God has truly paved my way into this field and that I am meant to create my own paths for our future generations. I was blessed enough to get the opportunity to work at St. Joseph’s the Provider alongside Father Mike, working with students who come from low socioeconomic homes and face many hardships that most people don’t. It was such an honor to work for my priest and to see the light in each of the children I encountered. I feel as if God placed me there at the exact time I needed to be. And my students and experience at St. Joseph’s the Provider will be something I never forget.

I have been a member of St. Patrick’s Church for as long as I can remember. I was baptized, attended weekly CCD classes, received holy communion, and made my conformation in 8th grade. I was a part of the Celebrate Ministry both my junior and senior year and now have joined the team as an adult advisor. This ministry as well as the people involved have made my faith grow so strong and I now understand the great importance of serving others. I continue to strengthen my faith each and every day and I know that God never leaves my side in every step I take.

God Bless and Thank you,

Marlee Granger