I have never been more proud to be Catholic or never more grateful to serve God’s people at St. Patrick Parish.

In Matthew’s Gospel (10:1-7), Jesus summons his twelve disciples to go and gather the lost sheep. In this beautiful gospel Matthew lists all twelve of the first disciples by name. As I read each of their names, I was led to reflect upon all the great challenges they faced spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. The first disciples were truly an example of what the spirituality of stewardship really is. They gave their time, talent and treasure and their lives to the early Church with great joy and zeal.

In this time of our Church history we, too, face many challenges like the pandemic, the unrest in our country and our world. These circumstances at times can challenge us emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Now is the time to reflect on those twelve disciples of the early Church and draw encouragement and hopefulness from their example of faith.

We are a people that believe all good things come from Him. We can never allow our fears or doubts to be greater than our faith in Him.  Over the past several months I have witnessed so many examples of stewardship in our parish, faith put into practice in so many ways.

God bless,
Deacon John Bartos, Jr.