How Beautiful Is the Body of Christ

Last Sunday we enjoyed this year’s hayride. The weather was a bit less than perfect for the event, but the turnout was wonderful. We enjoyed the food, fun and fellowship from the very youngest to the most senior who attended.

We had so many of our parishioners give of their time, talent, and treasure to help make our harvest hayride a huge success. I witnessed firsthand that we have some great bakers in our parish. The dessert tables were filled. The side dishes were also excellent. Thank you to everyone who helped set up the pavilion and helped to clean up afterwards. Thank you, Fr. Mike, for all you do to make our parish so very special.

One of my favorite hymns is “How Beautiful.” The last line of the refrain reads, “How beautiful is the Body of Christ.” Whenever I see our parish family joined together, whether it be at Mass or a parish event, there is always that special moment when I think to myself just how truly beautiful it is to see all of us joined together forming the mystical Body of Christ here on earth.

God bless,
Deacon John