Hi, my name is Anna Pogacnik and I’m a sophomore at Hubbard High School. I’ve been attending Saint Patrick’s for as long as I can remember. I’ve made my Holy Communion and Confirmation from Saint Pat’s and I’ve learned a lot throughout my faith journey at this church. Going to CCD every Sunday was a big part of my faith when I was younger, and although I enjoyed learning about God and how to be a better steward, it probably wasn’t until about 8th grade, as I prepared to make my Confirmation, that I truly felt God’s presence in my life. My Confirmation taught me a lot and it made me realize that I wanted to be as active as possible in my church and community. I began altar serving soon after Confirmation. I was a little nervous at first and I did not know what to expect. After serving a few Masses, I quickly realized that it wasn’t difficult at all and it was actually a lot of fun! I would definitely encourage anyone who is thinking about altar serving to try it. Being an active member in my church and community has been an amazing experience, and I hope to continue altar serving and being part of our church community. Ever since my Confirmation about two years ago, God has become an even bigger part of my life and I am so grateful for all of the wonderful blessings God has given me, including my family and friends. I know that whenever I am having a hard time God will always be there. By serving God I have learned so much and met so many new people who have had a huge impact on strengthening my faith and motivating me to be the best person I can be. “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” —Luke 1:37