Stewardship. Eleven letters that make such a difference, in my life and, hopefully, the lives of many. I am Joyce Tringhese and have been a member of this parish since 1979. My husband, Walter, and I joined when my oldest son was starting kindergarten and since that time, we have seen 5 children graduate from St. Patrick’s School. I remember a sister from the Oblate’s School telling me that there is no more important time that you can spend with your children than the time when they are not with you, so I became very involved in the school and for 23 years I did what I could. But I also feel that there is no more important time you can spend with your parishioners than the time when things need done, planning takes place and things are accomplished.
When most people hear the word ‘stewardship’ the first thought is contributions and that word is usually associated with some sort of monetary issue and that is important. But it is so much bigger than that to me. It is time and equally talent. Where can I help? What needs to be done? Can I make a difference? Do I have a suggestion? I won’t list the things I have participated in over the last four decades, but I would only encourage everyone to become a part of something. I have found that spending time with people that have a common interest and goal—the continued growth and support of this parish—not only makes me a more complete Christian but may be just what is needed. I hope to always be able to DO, to GIVE, to ENJOY, to WELCOME, to ENCOURAGE. My experiences here at St. Pat’s have allowed me to become a more faith-filled person and brought me closer to others with whom I have shared things.
We are Family and Family belongs together. My prayers are that God Blesses each of you and your families.
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. —Ephesians 2:10
Joyce and Walter Tringhese