Each one, as a good manager of God’s different gifts, must use for the good of others the special gift he has received from God.

We are the Williamson’s—Brad and Debbie.  We had never sat down to define what Stewardship meant to us until recently when Deacon John asked us to tell our story.

Deacon John’s question forced us to take a closer look at our 43 years of marriage and take an inventory of sorts. Debbie is a lifelong Catholic and I was raised in a Christian Church. We had very different upbringing but shared similar values and basic Christian beliefs. I became a Catholic when our son, Andrew was approaching his first Holy Communion at St. Joseph Church in Sharon, PA. In 1994 we shared a very special time in our faith lives as we received our First Holy Communion together at the Easter Vigil.  While at St. Joseph we were part of the RCIA team and were Eucharistic Ministers. We are still part of a “small Christian community” that has become part of our family.

As time went on we were missing something. We found that spark at St. Patrick Church!  With Fr. Mike, our amazing Deacons and our parish family we have come home and are eternally grateful to each and every one of you.  We have been richly blessed by God and when we participate in parish activities it is a pleasure to pay back God’s bountiful blessings. We now help at the Lenten Fish Fry and Parish Festival.  We have found our Christian calling here at St. Pat’s. Deb became a Lector and I am a Eucharistic minister. I attended the men’s renewal in 2017 and have since become a member of the Men’s Renewal Team to share my experiences with others.

As 1 Peter 4:10 states “Each one, as a good manager of God’s different gifts, must use for the good of others the special gift he has received from God”.  Our version of Stewardship means sharing our talents and giving of ourselves to others.  We thank God daily for all our blessings especially our time at St. Patrick’s.