Do whatever he tells you.” (John 2:5)

Do whatever he tells you.” (John 2:5) There is a clipping of this scripture on our refrigerator. It serves as a daily reminder to us both and is one of the stones on which we have tried to build a life of stewardship. Listening to God as he helps us to navigate our life journey is truly what guides us and for him we are truly grateful. —Mass is a special and sacred time for us. When we are at home, it is important for us to be at St. Pat’s and spend time with our church family. When we are traveling, one of the first things we do is find the church and the Mass times and schedule ourselves accordingly. It is in that quiet time, that we are able to hear God, through scripture and prayer, finding answers and guidance.

Selfless giving, as Father Tim used to speak of, is another part of our spiritual life. We make a conscious effort to implement this in our lives regularly. First and foremost within our home and our families.  As God’s children, it is not our place to give of ourselves looking for anything in return. Rather, it is in these times that we hear the quiet whisper of Him telling us what to do and we do it without question.  —We give freely of ourselves at our jobs and, of course, at church. We have both participated in the Renewal programs and are all the better for it.

Living a life of stewardship is not always an easy task. Lamentations 3: 22-23, states “His mercies are new every day.” And, with each day, he forgives us and leads us again.

God has blessed us in so many ways. It is to him that we give the Glory.

Your Brother and Sister in Christ,

Kevin and Janet Barren