Most of us relate the stewardship spirituality to the joyful giving of our time, talent, and treasure back to the Lord in return for all the blessings we receive. That is most certainly true.
We also have another call to stewardship and that being to pass our Catholic faith forward. We have so many Catholics who do not attend Mass on a regular basis or not at all. Over the years I have witnessed many people who were not attending Mass come back to church. It only took a simple invitation. I look back 30 years ago, and I am still thankful to the person who brought me back to the church and to the Eucharist with a simple invitation that changed the trajectory of my life.
I would like to encourage you to take the opportunity to invite a family member or friend back to church. In today’s world we face so many challenges and what better footsteps can we walk in than the footsteps of Christ! Your invitation could change someone’s life forever.
God bless,
Deacon John