On June 10th– 16th six of our parish high school students and four adult leaders will be off to Catholic Heart Workcamp in Philadelphia, PA. The mission of this trip is to share the love of Jesus Christ as we serve the neglected, broken-hearted and the marginalized in any way needed. This mission is to inspire all of us to live a life as disciples of Christ through serving others as a way of life, and to foster the Catholic faith of each participant through the sacraments, prayer and involvement in social service.
Our transportation to and from Philadelphia is the responsibility of the participants. We are in need of two vans at a cost of $1,100. Our Catholic Heart Workcamp team is prayerfully requesting your help. If you feel called to help us with the cost of our transportation, please place your donation in an envelope with “Campership Sponsor” on the envelope, along with your name and address and place in the collection basket. Thank you for your continual support for the youth of St. Patrick Parish!
Deacon John Bartos