The Catholic Church has been present at most of the important milestones in your life; Baptism, First Communion, at times of great celebration and at times of great sadness.
The work of the many ministries of the Catholic Church are far – reaching, life giving, and life saving…everyday.
By leaving a gift to St. Patrick Parish in your will, you will be leaving a legacy of faith – a legacy to help insure that the mission and pastoral outreach that has been important to you will continue both for today’s needs and for those of our children, our grandchildren and beyond.
Planned gifts are commonly determined in conjunction with estate planning and are gifted upon the death of a donor and are often given in the name of the donor or donor’s family. Thus, the term “legacy giving”.
At our parish our planned giving program is a strategy of extraordinary and legacy stewardship, and an initiative which has an objective of generating funds for the financial security of the church and the ministries within the church. A planned gift will supplement regular stewardship in the future.
How can I leave a planned gift to St. Patrick Church? Leaving a planned gift can be quite simple. Who do I contact about leaving a planned gift? Contact Fr. Mike or Deacon John at (330)534-1928.
“As each of us has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (I Peter 4:10)
May God continue to bless our parish for the next 150 years.