Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist the celebrant/deacon with the distribution of Holy Communion at weekend Masses and other liturgies such as funerals/weddings. Sufficient spiritual, theological and practical preparation to fulfill their role with knowledge and reverence is required. This ministry is open to all Baptized and Confirmed Catholics who are at least sixteen years of age and are commissioned by the pastor.
Extraordinary Eucharistic ministers to the homebound take the Eucharist to the home-bound. The ministers are usually dismissed by the celebrant prior to the Final Blessing of the weekend liturgy they are attending.
For more information on this ministry please contact:
Deacon Bob Friedman
(330) 534-1928
Click here for the current schedule.
To apply for being an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, please contact Fr. Balash or Deacon Bob at 330-534-1928.