Family Life Ministries

Family Life Ministries:

St. Patrick Ministries are listed according to the Diocesan Pastoral Plan of Goals.  We sincerely welcome you to volunteer and participate in these ministries.  Please contact the Parish Office for more information and to volunteer for any of these ministries.
  1. Coffee and Donuts

Coffee and Donuts acts as a socializing time for parishioners to come to know each other.  It is held in the church hall monthly, rotating the masses. Volunteers are welcome.

  1. Family Faith Day

This ministry seeks to provide catechesis (faith formation) by offering inter-generational learning experiences.  We meet from
9:45 am – 10:45 am, Sunday morning, three or four times a year.

  1. Senior Citizens

On the 4th Thursday of each month, the Senior Citizens meet from 1-4 pm in the church hall.   Activities include prayer, socializing and games. All senior parishioners are welcome to join.

  1. Sponsor Couples for the Engaged

In preparation for marriage, the engaged couple meets with a St. Patrick mentor couple who guides them to spiritually enrich their lives as a couple.  “Joined by Grace” is a program to assist the couple to experience the vocation of marriage and to find a church community.


5. Vocation Cross

Every weekend at Mass a family or individual is sent home with the Vocation Cross. The purpose is for the cross to be a  reminder to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life each day of the week. Sign up for your family to have the vocation cross for a particular week is in the vestibule at the Stewardship Table.

           6. Craft Club

………………Meets monthly to share a craft and fellowship for adults and children.