Being an altar server is a great way to introduce the stewardship of spirituality to your children. I can remember serving Mass as a young child. The Mass had just changed from Latin to English. Boy, was I ever thankful for that! We have high school and college students that have been altar servers since their grade school years, as well as adults who experience a great reward in this ministry.
I would like to invite all the parents of our school age children to encourage your child to become an altar server. It will be a great lesson of service that they will remember and carry with them for the rest of their lives.
Deacon Bob, along with experienced adult servers, will help train and continue to mentor your child during the Mass. I hope and pray that our next training class will be full of our wonderful young stewards. Contact Deacon Bob, Annmarie Pesa, or myself for more information. (330)534-1928 (parish office).
Thank you and God bless,
Deacon John