Gold, frankincense and myrrh are symbolic of our giving of time, talent, and treasure to Jesus all our lives.

Our grandson John Paul was in a Christmas play a few weeks ago at St. Luke’s Preschool. The Nativity play was beautiful, and it is amazing what 4–5-year-old children can do to spread the Christmas message. John Paul along with two other boys portrayed the three kings: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar. They presented the infant Jesus the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Gold, frankincense and myrrh, were indeed valuable gifts for the wise men to present to the child Jesus, which is stewardship at its very core. So, when we look at their symbolism, we can see the relationship to the giving of our time, talent, and treasure to Jesus all our lives. May we continue to present our gifts to Jesus like the three kings with humble and grateful hearts.

Deacon John


The Gift of Family

One of the most beautiful gifts that God has given to us is the gift of family. Jesus could have come into this world by an infinite number of ways, but, He chose to come as family, thus making the family holy.

The family is enveloped in the spirituality of stewardship. As I drive around town, I witness moms and dads giving their time unselfishly to their children, whether playing catch with dad or mom taking the children to their school or sport activities. Parents share their talents with their children by helping them with homework, or mom teaching her children how to make grandma’s chocolate chip cookies.

The greatest treasure we can share with our children is the gift of God’s love for the family. We share this treasure in many ways with our children; by saying grace before meals, sharing stories from the Bible, and most importantly, by attending Mass weekly.

And so we pray,
“Jesus Christ, Word made flesh, make a way for the Good News of your Kingdom to reach every home, every heart, everywhere. Amen.”

Christmas blessings,
Deacon John


When Church Was the Center of Our Lives

My grandparents immigrated to the United States from Czechoslovakia and eventually settled in Hazeltine in Youngstown. Their home was across a small alley adjacent to St. Elizabeth School and just up the hill was their beloved St. Elizabeth Church. The church was the center of their lives. My father and my aunts and uncles grew up in the church receiving their sacraments, attending school and passing their faith forward to their children.

The church was also the center of my grandparents’ social life. They loved the yearly bizarre as it was called in those days. They were so blessed to enjoy all the wedding receptions in the church hall, and all the cooking and camaraderie. The church was the center of both their spiritual and their social life.

The church is the center of Karen’s and my life as well, both spiritually and socially. We have many lifelong friendships with so many people of our parish and we have had so many great and memorable times at our social events.

This year on December 31st, our St. Patrick Parish will be hosting our “New Years Gala.”  What a great opportunity to start the new year together!  I promise that you will not be disappointed. We will feature a world class menu that includes prime rib, shrimp table and much more. Music will be provided by Guys Without Ties. The venue will also feature an open bar. The cost for this event is only $75 per person.

I look forward to joining you for this fabulous evening of fun and friendship. You can call Marybeth (330)770-8327 for tickets.

Deacon John


We Are A Joyful Parish Family

Very often in our lives we find ourselves in a place where we no longer desire the material things of the world, such as riches, notoriety, or power. We simply desire joy. Joy is so much different than happiness in that happiness can be a flash of emotion, this is gone as fast as it appeared. Joy is something that is rooted deeply in our hearts and souls.

Giving our time, talent, and treasure back to God with joyful hearts is one of the very best ways to live a life of fulfillment. We are a joyful parish family. I have witnessed firsthand the unselfish and joyful giving of time, talent and treasure by our parishioners, from the youngest to the most senior.

I am so very joyful to be your servant. May we continue to give our time, talent, and treasure back to the Lord with joyful hearts.

God bless,
Deacon John